Key Functions

Definition of Audit An independent examination with a view to establishing accuracy, conformity to laws and administrative rules and regulations, performance, and truthfulness. NOTE - The basic object in auditing is not therefore the detection of fraud, however if fraud is detected to report to the appropriate authority Types and Components of Audits: Compliance


MISSION: To audit, review and advice on the management and accountability of Public Resources VISION: Keeping watchful eyes to ensure the proper and optimum management of government resources


Developing and maintaining a comprehensive internationally accepted programme for evaluating the financial and operational systems and procedures of all activities of the Government of DOMINICA Examining financial transactions for accuracy and evaluating compliance with all applicable Laws and Regulations, Cabinet Decisions, and internal Policies and Procedures Evaluating the cost effectiveness and efficiency of all Government activities Ascertain the adequacy of controls for safeguarding all State's assets and liabilities, and when appropriate, verify the existence of all assets and liabilities Appraising the timeliness, reliability, usefulness

Mission & Vision


To audit, review and advice on the management and accountability of Public Resources


Keeping watchful eyes to ensure the proper and optimum management of government resources


  • To determine the integrity of State’s Public Audit process through the application of Internationally Accepted Public Sector Auditing Standards
    • All work plans, working papers and reports must demonstrate compliance with International Public Sector Auditing Standards


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Key Official

Director of Audit, Mrs. Maylina Jno. Ville

Director of Audit

Mrs. Maylina Jno. Ville

The Office of Director of Audit has a Statutory responsibility under Section 83(2) of the Commonwealth of Dominica Constitution Order 1978 to audit and report on the public accounts of Dominica and all other related financial accounts acuminating from the Government of Dominica.

The main objectives of the Office of the Director of Audit's functions are:

  1. The detection of fraudulent activities or irregularities as early as possible and promptly report to the relevant authorities including the Ministry of Finance.
  2. To determine the reliability of information produced within the various Government Ministries and Departments and the effectiveness of related internal policies and procedures.
  3. To assist Permanent Secretaries and Heads of Departments in attaining the most efficient administration of their respective Ministries and Departments through recommendations.
  4. To ascertain the extent of protection and safeguarding of the states resources against losses of any kind.